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5 Reasons to Clean Air Ducts After the Summer Break

5 Reasons to Clean Air Ducts After the Summer Break

Central air conditioning systems get their biggest workout in the summer when the Marietta summer heat takes over the area. Once students and faculty return after the summer break, you may find breathing problems are popping up throughout the school system. Here are five reasons why fall is the ideal time to clean air ducts.

1. Cleaning takes summer vacations, too.

When class is not in session and students are nowhere to be seen, cleaning takes a break at most schools and other educational institutions. Even when summer classes are offered, several weeks in August serve almost as a universal vacation period for administration and everyone else working for the school. A full duct cleaning after summer allows your building's air quality to get back into the swing of things.

2. Fall is an allergy season.

For many people who suffer from seasonal allergies, fall is the worst season of all. The humidity of summer often gives way to drier air in the fall, causing harsh sensations in people's nostrils as well as frequent sneezing. Professional duct cleaning makes students and teachers removes airborne particulates so everyone breathes easier when they are in the building.

3. Time spent indoors is increasing.

Clean air ducts are more important than ever. According to the EPA, about 90 percent of Americans' time is spent indoors, a number that continues to increase every decade. When you are responsible for so many people breathing air in buildings you operate, you want to make sure you have done everything to keep the air quality high. Regular duct cleaning can do wonders for a building's ventilation system.

4. Mold and bacteria build up fast.

While cleaning routines sometimes take a break in a building over the summer, other types of maintenance lapse as well. This break in custodians' diligence may allow mold and bacteria levels to rise over the summer, making it harder for building visitors to breathe when returning in the fall. Cleaning duct work ensures that the bacteria and mold spores are removed with dust particles, making your building a much healthier place to be.

5. Starting the year with clean air is crucial.

Starting the school year with clean air in classrooms and facilities sets a positive tone for the entire year. By removing the dust, mildew, and other particles that make air harder to breathe, you allow everyone entering your buildings to breathe easier and focus on the work at hand. Setting this type of tone can get everyone off to a great year.

Clean air ducts make any school or office a better place to work. Contact ZEROREZ® of Atlanta to clean your duct work with our green cleaning system this fall.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

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